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Assess what you Teach
with our Print-or-Active Assessments
Use one of our Classroom Assessment Series to assess your students and get informed with quality assessment data that is available immediately. Each series is the result of a collaborative effort between Mobius and school districts using a core curriculum.
Give formal assessments to an entire district, school, classroom, or individual students using PARCC and SBAC-like assessment questions.
Each series can be adapted and customized to assess district-specific curriculum maps.
Students log on from anywhere with a modern web browser, and their work is visible to teachers and administrators through a variety of reports. students can also view their own assessment results.
Get and stay informed with quality assessment questions and data that is available immediately and can be used to shed light on student misconceptions.
With Formal assessments, the questions are interactive but students cannot check their work. Students can flag questions and review their work before completing an assessment.
Assessment practice is also available. Students can check their work to get immediate feedback and teachers can project questions to an interactive whiteboard to discuss strategies with a whole class.